Thursday, May 31, 2012


This year for the end of the sixth grade year, my school had a graduation. They gave us a a book diploma, that you see in the first picture. I got to dress up, with all my other class mates. It was very awesome!

This is me and two of my friends on the last day of school. So much fun!

This is me and my other friend. Best Friend!
My walk down to the teachers. Un-like all the other parents my mom wasn't shedding a tear. Instead she was making fun of me on the drive home, fake crying. I love my mom, don't get me wrong.

I'm scared for Jr.High, and will miss my other friends going to the other school. I'm afraid to get pushed around by the older kids, and don't really wanna ride the bus.My brother said it will be the worst three years in my whole life. He  is very supportive. I hope I have a very fun summer. And am excited to see my family.

P.S. I got a facebook, friend me!